Weight Loss Made Easy…Tip #5!

Author: Shannon Miller

We know that eating out can really pack on the pounds.

You’ll recognize many of these tips from my Food Journal and Exercise Log but these are terrific common sense ideas to losing weight and keeping it off.

Weight Loss Tip #5:  Eat at home – watch your portions

Research shows that the more often a person dines out, the more body fat he or she has. Home-prepared food is usually healthier and more nutritious since most restaurants depend heavily on highly processed foods. As much as possible, prepare your meals at home. Eat out and get take-out foods less often. While I choose not to eat any animal products (I am a vegan), you may choose a different diet.

When you do eat away from home, try these tips to help you control portions:

  • Share your meal
  • Order a half-portion
  • Order an appetizer as a main meal
  • Ask for a portion of your meal to be boxed up when it is served so you will not be tempted to eat more than you need
  • Stop eating when you begin to feel full

Most overweight people have a poor perception of appropriate portion sizes, resulting in overeating.

Here are some easy ways to determine correct portion size:

  • A portion of meat should be no larger than a deck of cards,
  • A serving of cheese should be no larger than six dice,
  • A serving of fish should be the size of a checkbook,
  • A serving of vegetables or fruit should be about the size of a baseball,
  • A tortilla or pancake should be no larger than a compact disc,
  • A teaspoon of peanut butter is the size of the tip of your finger,
  • A small baked potato is the size of a computer mouse,
  • A serving of dried fruit or nuts should be the size of a golf ball.
TIP:  Get more information on Shannon Miller’s Food Log and Exercise Journal and start losing weight now!

For more on Susan Smith Jones or her new book, The Joy Factor: 10 Sacred Practices for Radiant Health, please visit:  www.SusanSmithJones.com

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