It’s A Great Day!

Author: Shannon Miller

Last night I was giving a speech for the Jacksonville Dental Association Spouse Night. Which by the way is a really fun and wonderful group of people! About 30 minutes before I went up to speak I received a voicemail from my oncologist, Dr. Stephen Buckley.

Last Friday I had my CT Scan. The results came back pretty quickly and he wanted me to go ahead and get a PET Scan as well. It’s always nerve racking when you need to go in for yet one more test! I was really very negative and scared prior to surgery in January. It was as if I just expected the worst at all times. That’s not the person I want to be and I needed a change. When I found out about chemo I wanted to turn my thinking around and really try to look for the good in this very difficult situation.

So I feel like I was doing much better going into the PET Scan and waiting for the results. The message he left on my phone was that he had the results of my PET Scan and they were “all good”! I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until I let out this huge sigh of relief. There’s nothing like a little good news to help you sleep at night.

This morning I had my appointment and he explained that my scan came back clean and why that is so important. Yes, I have to be observed for a while with blood tests and Scans but chances are good (95-100%) that there won’t be a re-occurrence. It’s tough wondering if it might come back, but at least I know that if it does we’ll be doing everything we can to catch it early.

I feel like I can finally breathe again!

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