Pre-Holiday Burn #8: 6 Pack Abs
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

What does it take to have six pack abs or even eight pack abs?
It’s not just doing abdominal exercises.
Ab exercises are just a part of the plan for success.
For firm, sleek, good looking abs, you need:
- A healthy diet
- A cardiovascular exercise plan
- A stretching plan
- An abdominal strengthening plan
Doing a million crunches will not score you a six pack unless you team it up with a healthy diet, rich in plant-based foods, cardio to burn the extra fat, stretching to keep the posture tall and pretty, and a good ab strengthening plan. It all works together!
SML Diet Tip: Carry water with you ALL DAY. Drink sips of water constantly.
This Pre-Holiday Fitness Workout was designed by Carrie Harper, owner of CarrieFit and ACE CertifiedPersonal Trainer and Lifestyle/Weight Management Coach. She is is passionate about wellness education and believes education is power! She tries to give people the best information, and therefore the strongest programs, possible in the fields of health: fitness, wellness, nutrition, energy, and vitality. Visit Carrie’s website to check out her other fitness routines!