#GymnasticsHowTo: The Perfect Pullover

Author: Shannon Miller

We always talk about the importance of basic skills. Of course, “basic” should not be confused with “easy”.  Just imagine pulling your whole body up and around 360 degrees from a dead hag. Not so easy. The good news is that there are tips to getting your pullover a little less challenging and have you cheering your accomplishment!

Yes, it involves the conditioning exercises that will help you develop the strength you need. Each conditioning move is soooo important to nailing your pullover! Don’t skip out on them. You can do them anywhere- home, in a hotel, outside, etc.

Watch this video to get the perfect pullover here or below, and get to practicing today!

Is there a gymnastics skill or terminology you have questions about? Tag me on Instagram or Twitter (@ShannonMiller96) or comment below! I can’t wait to hear from you.

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