Know The Law | Auto Insurance
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Shopping for auto insurance?
Constantly getting bombarded with the “best deals” advertisements?
What about service from the auto insurance company?
What does the law say about auto insurance that I need to have?
Every state’s auto insurance laws are slightly different, but many states are going back and reviewing their auto insurance laws to save some government revenue.
For example, there are new auto insurance laws in Florida.
Ossi, Najem, & Rosario, P.A., Law Firm in Jacksonville, Florida, says:
“Florida’s no-fault law was passed many years ago in order to lessen the congestion of the court system, reduce automobile insurance premiums and provide injured motorist with ‘speedy payment’ for medical expenses, lost wages or death benefits to the estate.”
“Historically, no-fault insurance provided $10,000 in benefits applicable to wage loss or medical expenses. After an automobile accident, an injured person would simply go to the doctor of his choosing and the bills incurred would be paid for by their own automobile insurance company. The types of Medical treatment available included such things as Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture. For the most part, your own insurance company would pay for medical treatment until the time that you were essentially healed, or exhausted the benefits available ($10,000.00).”
“As of January 1, 2013, the Florida Legislature passed a new no-fault PIP law. Among the changes are included that your PIP benefits are available ONLY if the patient receives services and care within 14 days after the accident. In other words, if you do not visit a hospital, clinic or physician within 14 days of the accident, no PIP benefits will be applicable. Also, benefits are limited to $2500 unless you’re treating physician determines that you have sustained an Emergency Medical Condition (EMC). If your injuries are determined to be an EMC, benefits are increased to $10,000.”
“Under the new law, Massage therapy and acupuncture are eliminated. There is much controversy about this new law and it is anticipated that the court system will be burdened with many cases challenging the restrictions of the new law.”
Regardless of which state you are currently living in, make sure you know:
- What is my deductible?
- What are my hospital benefit limits?
- What treatments are admissible and inadmissible as a result of an injury incurred in an accident?
- Do I have proper coverage under the law?
- Does my plan include uninsured driver insurance?