Brush Those Teefers!

Author: Shannon Miller

“Did you brush your teeth?”  “Yes, Mommy – of course I did.”

Does this conversation sound familiar?  Hopefully, it does.  Dental hygiene is very important for adults as well as children.  Interestingly, tooth decay is one of the most common childhood diseases.  So, it is important for us to take care of our children’s teeth in order to prevent tooth decay.

Tooth decay can:

  • cause pain
  • make chewing difficult
  • in time, make your child embarrassed to talk or smile

Check out these helpful hints for taking care of your child’s pearly whites:

  • Teach your child to brush his/her teeth 2 times per day.
  • Have your children use a fluoride rinse on a regular basis.
  • Bacteria in the mouth use the sugar in food to cause tooth decay, which is why it is important to give your child low-sugar foods and drinks.
  • Keep your child’s teeth healthy (and your dentist happy) by scheduling regular dental check-ups.
  • Make dental hygiene fun for your child!  Let him/her choose their own special toothbrush in their favorite color.  Make a dental checklist and have your child add a sticker after each brushing.

TIP: Make dental hygiene a priority in your home – every tooth under your roof will greatly appreciate it!

Source: “Take Care of Your Child’s Teeth”,

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