Your Teen’s Self Esteem

Author: Shannon Miller

Kelli Osborne has a mission to transform the self-esteem of people worldwide. For over a decade, she has been motivating adults and inspiring teens to unleash their potential and unlock their personal power towards self-confidence and success.

Teens and Self Esteem issues sadly go hand in hand. Your parents are no longer by your side constantly to tell you right from wrong and with the pressure your friends put on you it is difficult to have the courage to be your own person, believe in the values you have been taught and make the right choices.

Cliques and crowds are everywhere and they may be made up of the “cool” crowd or the “jock” crowd or the “computer/brainy” crowd, being a part of one of these is part of growing up, and it helps you to learn to be a friend and to learn about the world around you and where you may “fit in”.

It’s OK to want to be liked by everyone, but if that means giving in to pressures you must stand strong on your values.  With every choice there is a consequence. It is never worth making choices that could hurt you or someone else. The pressures teens are facing today like drinking alcohol  or using drugs, or having sex before you are ready, the list goes on will all lead to trouble.

Sad girl in bed.Self Esteem and How do I get It?

It is important that you figure out your strengths and your weaknesses. Don’t beat yourself up over your weaknesses. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, and even though it can be very hard at times always accept yourself. The saying “No one can love you until you love yourself” is very true and huge lesson to learn in your early years.

Always think for yourself, only you know what is best and when you respect yourself it helps avoid making bad decisions that could affect the rest of your life or someone else’s.

Having a positive self esteem or self worth does not make you stuck up, a “stuck up” person is usually trying to pretend they are something they are not and in fact most often this is someone with low self esteem.

Tips on taking the first steps to a positive self esteem:

  • Don’t put others down
  • Be patient with people when they fall short of your expectations
  • Set realistic goals for yourself
  • Try to get the most out of your strengths and do your best, without demanding unrealistic results of yourself
  • Celebrate your achievements
  • Trust your own feelings
  • Take it one day at a time
  • Do your best each day.

Kelli Osborne is a national expert on self-esteem and empowerment and a sought-after motivational speaker at schools and youth conferences throughout the United States.

Courtesy of Kelli Osborne Personal and Professional Image Coach:

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